Marianne Landzettel ist Journalistin. Sie schreibt und bloggt über Lebensmittel-, Landwirtschafts- und Agrarpolitik in Großbritannien, der übrigen EU, den USA und Südasien.
Wie man zum Cowgirl wird .....
Grasende Kühe setzen eine positive Kettenreaktion in Gang: die Bodenqualität verbessert sich und das hilft, die negativen Folgen des Klimawandels zu mildern, Pflanzenwachstum und Widerstandskraft werden gefördert. Das Ergebnis: nährstoffreicheres Obst und Gemüse und ein besseres Einkommen für die Landwirte.
I highly recommend
Regenerative Agriculture:
Farming with Benefits
by Marianne Landzettel."
Colin Tosh, Senior Agroforestry Researcher
Organic Research Centre
Erhältlich im Buchhandel oder direkt beim Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-930413-68-3, 320 Seiten, 22,- €
The Sustainable Meat Challenge:
How to graze cattle, slaughter humanely and stay profitable
Livestock is essential to any sustainable farming systems. In particular cattle provide vital eco services: on arable farms, on permanent pastures and in habitat preservation. They are also central to food production, farm income, and to rural economies. To save the planet, we indeed have to dramatically reduce the consumption of meat produced through industrial agricultural, while continuing to eat meat from animals that spent their lives on well-managed grasslands, grazing herballeys and cover crops. For farmers, the welfare of their animals will be the top priority, and that means providing for a good life and, at its end, humane slaughter. In the UK, as in most other western countries, small abattoirs have been closing in record numbers, a development that has a huge negative impact on animal welfare, on farm profitability and the rural economy. This book explores alternatives: A new EU framework allows farmers to kill animals in the most humane way possible, on farm and within the herd. Providing custom slaughter services through small abattoirs or mobile slaughter units provides opportunities for independent butchers, farmer coops and rural communities. And in the US, farmers, butchers, educators and chefs are developing a local, profitable meat processing network.
Worüber ich schreibe
In Landwirtschaft und Natur hängt alles zusammen. Und Kühe stehen im Zentrum…..
Alles hängt zusammen
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Most dairy calves are separated from their mums early, but some farms are letting them stay together - and it’s making a big difference.
Read all about it in our latest blog post by @M_Landzettel :
Why aren’t Territorial Markets everywhere? @SlowFoodHQ @IPESfood @M_Landzettel
In our Saturday read, @M_Landzettel offers an in-depth review of Jeff Poppen's Barefoot Biodynamics. This practical guide to biodynamic principles explores Poppen's interpretations of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures.
Londoner Cowgirl
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